June 9, 2020

In this episode of The Future of Resolution Podcast by Miles Mediation & Arbitration, Christopher “Smitty” Smith moderates a discussion with employment lawyers Sarah Lamar and Wade Herring about the challenges employers face with bringing their employees back to work during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to his practice at HunterMaclean, Smitty is a neutral with Miles Mediation & Arbitration.
This episode explores the following:
- Boosted unemployment compensation benefits and the incentive to return to work
- Employees fearful about their health and the health of vulnerable members of their families
- How the U.S. Department of Labor might define “good cause” to quit work and maintain benefits
- Partial unemployment benefits converted unemployment claims and the responsibility for filing
- The Family First Coronavirus Response Act and its application
- The potential liability of allowing employees under executive quarantine orders to return to work
- Navigating evolving guidance from various state and federal agencies
- What is a reasonable accommodation under the ADA
- How work from home may change the employment landscape for the foreseeable future
“Ready to Play But Are We Ready to Work?” is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, and Soundcloud. This podcast is the latest in a series of episodes by Miles Mediation & Arbitration that features thought leaders in Georgia’s legal community and beyond.