
Separation Pay in Georgia

April 3, 2013

By Wade W. Herring, II, HunterMaclean For Business in Savannah Conventional wisdom holds that an employer owes a departing employee two weeks notice, or separation pay, or both. Once again,…

Understanding Business Contracts

April 1, 2013

By Ben Hartman, HunterMaclean Special to Elegant Island Living Whether you own a manufacturing company in Brunswick or boutique on St. Simons Island, business contracts can serve as valuable tools,…

How Maritime Law Affects You

February 6, 2013

By HunterMaclean Attorneys Special to Business in Savannah Maritime law involves a wide array of legal concerns, with attorneys representing parties as diverse as cargo ship owners, insurance companies, banks,…

Successful Retirement Planning

January 1, 2013

By Ben Hartman, HunterMaclean Special to Elegant Island Living According to a 2012 report from the Center for Retirement Research, only about 30 percent of households are prepared for retirement…