Answers Over Easy: Employment Law for Businesses of Any Size
In partnership with Savannah Small Business Development Center

No matter how many employees you have, you have employment issues. This breakfast-and-learn session with HunterMaclean attorney Wade Herring will address questions such as:
– What are proper hiring criteria?
– How do I comply with wage/hour rules?
– When do I need an employee handbook?
– Should I worry about unemployment claims?
– How do I legally discharge an employee?
. . . and more!
This seminar is designed to provide business owners and HR professionals with straightforward information to help them manage the legal aspects of their greatest resource—their employees.
This event was held on November 12. To listen to the podcast and/or view the PowerPoint, click here.
We will be scheduling another employment breakfast and learn in 2015. If you would like information or to sign up, please contact Liz Overstreet at the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) 912-651-3200.
HunterMaclean, 200 E. Saint Julian Street, Savannah, GA 31401
Wade W. Herring II, HunterMaclean
There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. Register at or call 912.651.3200 for more information.
Answers Over Easy
Breakfast served with practical advice you can use right away!
Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration and The University of Georgia. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Liz Overstreet at 912-651-3200 or