November 18, 2015

HunterMaclean Information Technology partner and chair Diana J. P. McKenzie is a speaker at the upcoming Technology Law Conference in Seattle, WA. On Tuesday, December 15, Ms. McKenzie will present Security and Other New Provisions You Need in Your Technology Contracts Now.
About Technology Law Conference:
Everything in information technology and the biosciences is moving all at once, on many levels and so fast. Information needs to be instantly at the tip of our fingers. Accessing huge amounts of data within milliseconds and keeping up with the latest developments in any context is no longer an amenity, but a normal, daily Herculean task. Understanding technology substantively, thoroughly and for itself as well as tracking the trends and the changes evolving in our client’s world, is essential to any professional. It is challenging for those who do all that; and, then also need to parse and carefully weave in all the various forms of intellectual property. And, if that weren’t enough, the pace is increasing, yet again.
An international policy perspective anticipating the future direction for global intellectual property protection and the implications for technology companies is critical. Legislative developments continue, data security becomes more and more of an issue and privacy concerns cover everything that we do. Consumer devices and services will remain a top focus for the foreseeable future. Companies need to be aware of developments and be able to quickly adapt.
This unique seminar provides an opportunity to listen and learn from leading national experts who are regularly involved in the management and resolution of the technological, legal and social issues engaging every developing business today. Our outstanding faculty will guide you through current issues (with navigation and course adjustment tips) and anticipate future developments so you will be well prepared for every deal or launch. This is an engaging gathering of those who want updates as well as collaboration in assessing emerging issues.
Program Co-Chairs: Teresa Stanek Rea, Esq. of Crowell & Moring LLP and Kate Spelman, Esq. of K&L Gates LLP
To register:
Visit the Law Seminars International website or call 206-567-4490. You may also download the conference PDF.