June 24, 2014

Diana McKenzie, a partner at HunterMaclean, spoke at the 2014 International Federation of Computer Law Associations (IFCLA) in Antwerp, Belgium, on June 5, where she was introduced as the “mother of IT law.”
McKenzie’s presentation was titled “IT and Contracts: Outsourcing,” and focused on what her group has learned about drafting outsourcing contracts with an emphasis on practical strategies, improving vendor performance, and decreasing unexpected scope creep.
McKenzie has been practicing exclusively in information technology and outsourcing law for more than 25 years and is a nationally recognized writer and internationally recognized speaker. She is on the ITech Law Association Advisory Board and is also a senior member of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society.
After graduating with high honors from Kenyon College, McKenzie earned her master’s degree in business administration from the Emory University Goizueta Business School and her law degree from the Emory University School of Law. She has been listed in Who’s Who Legal® since 2008, Best Lawyers in America® since 2006, and was recognized as a top attorney by Georgia Trend Magazine® in 2012.