June 10, 2015

The Savannah Fiduciary Seminar has made the 2015 presentations and exhibits available online in the form of podcasts, PDF downloads, and PowerPoint presentations. The Seminar brings together top professional service firms to present important updates, insights, and practical tips for 401(k) and Defined Contribution Plan managers and administrators to meet key fiduciary duties. The 2015 Seminar materials are available online at http://bit.ly/Fiduciary2015.
The 2015 Savannah Fiduciary Seminar overview:
Julia Butler, COO of The Fiduciary Group, describes how plan sponsors, trustees, and investment committees can best meet their fiduciary duties to manage the plan’s investments. She outlines what should be in an effective Investment Policy Statement and lays out the fiduciary processes to select, monitor, and replace the plan’s investment options. She also explains how a Section 3(38) fiduciary investment advisor can significantly reduce or eliminate a plan sponsor’s fiduciary liability for plan investments.
Randall Webb, Audit & Assurance Manager at TJS Deemer Dana, covers the most common deficiencies identified during plan audits and how plan sponsors should correct these deficiencies going forward.
Rick Pummill, U.S. Manager of Consulting and Compliance for The Retirement Plan Company, presents an overview of how to make plan operations more effective, from design tips to the electronic delivery of disclosures.
Rebecca Sczepanski, ERISA and employee benefits attorney at HunterMaclean, presents a summary of the legal issues regarding fiduciary status, including how to identify ERISA and state law fiduciaries. She also provides an update on major fiduciary litigation and tips for avoiding or mitigating the risks associated with fiduciary status related to retirement plans.
The 2015 Savannah Fiduciary Seminar and panel podcast was moderated by Rushe Hudzinski, president of the Savannah chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
The Savannah Fiduciary Seminar is a presentation for sponsors, trustees, and administrators of 401(k) and Defined Contribution Plans on meeting fiduciary duties, reducing liabilities, and improving effectiveness of their company plans.